
An amalgamation of the Evolution Halfway, this series is a portrayal of a failure to contact a vastly different civilization due to a limited perception of the full spectrum of reality.

Indentured: Incomplete Wave-Particle View, Print A, 2021

Unbroken Pattern: Incomplete Wave-Particle View, Print A, 2021

Liquidation Preference: Incomplete Wave-Particle View, 2021

Unbroken Pattern: Incomplete Wave-Particle View, Print B, 2021

Indentured: Incomplete Wave-Particle View, Print A, 2021

Market Value: Incomplete Wave-Particle View, 2020

Procreation: Incomplete Wave-Particle View, 2020

Division of Learning: Incomplete Wave-Particle View, 2020

Free Will: Incomplete Wave-Particle View, 2020

ABUNDANCE FOR FEW: Incomplete Wave-Particle View, 2020

RESOURCE DISPOSESSION: Incomplete Wave-Particle View, 2020